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Initiative on
Neo-Calvinist Scholarship

At Reformed Theological Seminary (RTS) in Washington, D.C., our purpose is to prepare leaders for the evangelical church, and particularly for Reformed denominations. In that mission, we have gleaned wisdom from the neo-Calvinist tradition about important theological habits that serve the church well in the midst of changing cultural circumstances.


In their theological introduction to neo-Calvinism, Gray Sutanto and Cory Brock identify three distinctives of the tradition. First, it is “orthodox, yet modern,” mining and refining the historic Reformed tradition for current-day application. Second, it emphasizes that Christ’s lordship means theology has a holistic responsibility to show how the Christian faith relates to all of life. Third, it recognizes an organic unity of the diverse parts in creation, reflecting the unity-and-diversity of the Trinity. These are traits that we seek to cultivate in our work at RTS Washington. We want to develop and apply the historic Reformed tradition for current challenges, make known the comprehensive lordship of Christ, and nurture a world- and life-view shaped by trinitarian reality. 


To that end  RTS Washington has launched the Initiative on Neo-Calvinist Scholarship to promote increased study and application of the theological tradition.


Advanced Studies Progam

RTS Washington is offering an Advanced Studies in Theology track to prepare men and women who intend to pursue a doctoral degree beyond seminary. Advanced Studies at RTS Washington offers instruction and mentoring to RTS Washington students who successfully apply to be a part of a one-year cohort (fall and spring semesters). Participating students will be enrolled in an independent study and a course of Dutch language instruction, earning a total of four credit hours over the course of the academic year. The Advanced Studies track is directed by Dr. Gray Sutanto, assistant professor of systematic theology. The required four credit hours for students in Advanced Studies will be tuition-free, thanks to a generous gift from the Adam F. Redd family. 


The Advanced Studies applications will be accepted on a rolling basis with announcements anticipated in June for the fall cohort that year. RTS Washington admitted students may apply to the Advanced Studies track. Students will participate in the Advanced Studies cohort for one academic year and must pursue their foreign language study during the same year.

Program Application 

Submit a one- to two-page letter addressed to Dr. Gray Sutanto, with the following information:


RTS Degree program

Undergraduate degree/institution

Other graduate degrees/institutions

A statement of research interest (topic/field) for future doctoral studies, demonstrating awareness of the field of intended study (please provide several paragraphs)

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